2014 Winter Clothing Drive

As winter and cold weather approaches, many people begin looking for opportunities to give back to their communities. The Thanksgiving season is a favorite time for charitable giving, and we encourage those looking to have a positive impact in someone’s life to lend us a hand in supporting CASPAR, a charitable neighbor of MIT right here in Cambridge.
CASPAR is a nonprofit organization that provides services to those affected by substance abuse disorders in Cambridge and Somerville. They have worked closely with MIT since 1994, when the Institute helped to build CASPAR’s Emergency Services Center (ESC) and Shelter on MIT property. Located just across the street from Ashdown, MIT’s oldest graduate residence, the ESC welcomes dozens of individuals struggling with drug use, alcohol abuse, and homelessness in from the cold. At the Center, CASPAR provides medical and mental health care, nutritional food, personal hygiene supplies, clean clothes, counseling, and employment housing and treatment referrals in an environment that is welcoming and safe.
Please join the McGovern Institute’s Winter Supply Collection Drive to benefit CASPAR. Our office has partnered with the MIT Office of Government and Community Relations and the Department of Facilities for this annual drive; we know that, together, we can continue MIT’s support of the work that CASPAR does for our community.
CASPAR is in need of gently used items such as: jeans, sweatshirts/fleeces, hats, gloves, winter boots, coats/vests, men’s belts, linens, twin-size blankets, towels, new socks, new undergarments, and new toiletries such as feminine products and packaged disposable razors. Larger sizes of all items are especially welcome. Drop off boxes will be located in McGovern Headquarters through Nov. 17.