Disruptive Innovations in Neuroscience: Alex Shalek

McGovern Institute Spring Symposium 2014
May 2, 2014
Alex Shalek, Harvard University
“Using single cell transcriptomics to explore cellular identity and uncover drivers of cellular behaviors”

Disruptive Innovations in Neuroscience: Michael Lin

McGovern Institute Spring Symposium 2014
May 2, 2014
Michael Lin, Stanford University
“GFP as an optogenetic Swiss Army knife: New applications in voltage sensing, memory visualization, and optical control of protein activity”

Long range connections in the brain

This video shows white matter tracts, the long-range connections of the human brain. The tracts are revealed here through a MRI-based method known as ‘diffusion tensor imaging’ or DTI. The video is based on data produced by Dr Satrajit Ghosh at the McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT.

“Fear, Trauma, and Memory: A Panel Discussion”

How accurate are our memories after a traumatic event? Does chronic stress make us more vulnerable to trauma? Will scientists one day succeed in preventing PTSD?

We invite you to join the discussion with a distinguished group of experts who will explore new lines of research and treatment strategies for stress disorders and traumatic memory. On Monday, April 7th, McGovern Institute director Bob Desimone will moderate a panel of experts and will engage the audience in a Q&A session. This event is free and open to the public, but registration is required. We hope you will join us!

– See more at: http://mcgovern.mit.edu/news/talks-events-news/fear-trauma-and-memory-a-panel-discussion/#sthash.Z8u0CLmP.dpuf

Remembering Pat McGovern: A Photo Montage

A photo montage of McGovern Institute co-founder Patrick J. McGovern. Pat McGovern passed away on March 19, 2014.

Photos: AP Images, Corbis, Donna Coveney, Robert Desimone, Jason Grow, IDG, Justin Knight, MIT News Office, MIT Sloan School of Management, MIT Yearbook, Dominick Reuter, Bethany Versoy.