A view of the brain

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides researchers with a non-invasive method for viewing the human brain in high resolution. This video shows a structural MRI produced at the Martinos Imaging Center at MIT, a state-of-the-art brain imaging facility that serves the biomedical research community at MIT and throughout the Boston area. Video: Christina Triantafyllou

In His Own Words: Joel Z. Leibo

The Friends of the McGovern Institute Student Fellowship has been awarded to Joel Leibo for his work in Prof. Tomaso Poggio’s lab. Leibo’s research asks two key questions: How do we learn to recognize faces? And how can we build machines to do the same? He is applying his background in neuroscience and mathematics to the study of computational models of vision. Leibo plans to use the McGovern Institute’s newly acquired magnetoencephalography (MEG) scanner to decode face-related activity in the human brain.

Welcome to the McGovern Institute

This award-winning video provides viewers with an intimate tour of the McGovern Institute and it explores the tools our researchers are using to unlock the mystery of the human brain. It shows how our research is pushing the frontiers of technology and providing new insights into brain disorders such as autism, Parkinson’s disease, and mental illness.

Produced by Emmy nominated John Rubin Productions, “Welcome to the McGovern Institute” won a 2010 CINE Golden Eagle Award and a 2010 Telly Award, which honors “outstanding local, regional, and cable TV commercials and programs, the finest video and film productions, and online film and video.”

Brain Scan Cover Image: Summer 2012

Neurons in the mouse cerebellum, expressing the synaptic protein SAPAP-4.
Image: Louis Tee and Guoping Feng

AF Harvey Prize Lecture

The prize recognizes outstanding contributions to research in the field of medical engineering. Boyden was awarded the prize for his pioneering research contributions to the field of optogenetics, in which neurons are genetically modified to respond to light. He presented his prize lecture at the McGovern Institute on October 22, 2012.

Brain Scan Cover Image: Spring 2012

To win at cards, players must understand the beliefs and intentions of their opponents, an ability known as “Theory of Mind.” Rebecca Saxe studies the brain mechanisms that underlie this quintessentially human ability.

Mehrdad Jazayeri to join McGovern Institute faculty

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Mehrdad Jazayeri as an Investigator at the McGovern Institute for Brain Research. He will join the institute in January 2013, with a faculty appointment as assistant professor in MIT’s Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences.

Complex behaviors rely on a combination of sensory evidence, prior experience and knowledge about potential costs and benefits. Jazayeri’s research is focused on the neural mechanisms that enable the brain to integrate these internal and external cues and to produce flexible goal-directed behavior.

In his dissertation work with J. Anthony Movshon at New York University, Jazayeri asked how the brain uses unreliable sensory signals to make probabilistic inferences. His work led to a simple computational scheme that explained how information in visual cortical maps is used for a variety of visual perceptual tasks. Later, as a Helen Hay Whitney postdoctoral fellow, he began to investigate the role of prior experience on perception. Working in the laboratory of Michael Shadlen at the University of Washington, he used a simple timing task to show that humans exploit their prior experience of temporal regularities to make better estimates of time intervals. Using a rigorous mathematical framework — Bayesian estimation — this work provided a detailed model for quantifying how measurements, prior expectations and internal goals influence timing behavior.

Jazayeri then turned to monkey electrophysiology to study how neurons process timing information and how they combine sensory cues with prior experience. For this work, he taught monkeys to reproduce time intervals, as if keeping the beat in music. The animals were provided with beats 1 and 2 and were rewarded for producing a third beat at the correct time. By recording from sensorimotor neurons in the parietal cortex during this task, Jazayeri showed that the pattern of activity is very different during the measurement and production phases of the task, even though the interval is the same.  Moreover, he found that the response dynamics of parietal neurons were shaped not only by the immediate time cues but also by the intervals monkeys had encountered in preceding trials.

Building on his previous work, Jazayeri will pursue two long-term research themes at MIT. One line of research will examine how brain circuits measure and produce time, an ability that is crucial for mental capacities such as learning causes and effects, “intuitive physics,” and sequencing thoughts and actions. The other line of research will exploit timing tasks to understand the neural basis of sensorimotor integration, a key component of cognitive functions such as deliberation and probabilistic reasoning.

Understanding complex behaviors such as flexible timing or sensorimotor integration requires methods for manipulating the activity of specific structures and circuits within the brain. Optogenetics, the ability to control brain activity using light, has emerged as a powerful tool for such studies. In a recent collaboration with Greg Horwitz at the Univeristy of Washington, Jazayeri reported the first successful application of optogenetics to evoke a behavioral response in primates. Motivated by this proof-of-principle experiment, Jazayeri plans to combine the traditional tools of psychophysics and electrophysiology with optogenetic manipulations to characterize the circuits that control timing and sensorimotor integration in the primate brain.

Originally from Iran, Jazayeri obtained his B.Sc in Electrical Engineering from Sharif University of Technology in Tehran. He received his PhD from New York University, where he studied with J. Anthony Movshon, winning the Dean’s award for the most outstanding dissertation in the university.  After graduating, he was awarded a Helen Hay Whitney fellowship to join the laboratory of Michael Shadlen at the University of Washington, where he has been since 2007.

Martha Constantine-Paton wins lifetime achievement award

Constantine-Paton, a leading figure in the field of developmental neuroscience, has been awarded the Society for Neuroscience’s Mika Salpeter Lifetime Achievement Award.

The award recognizes individuals with outstanding career achievements in neuroscience who have also actively promoted the professional advancement of women in neuroscience. Constantine-Paton will be recognized for her achievements during the Society for Neuroscience’s annual meeting this October.

Over the past 30 years, Constantine-Paton has established a reputation as a leading figure in the field of developmental neuroscience. In particular, her pioneering work on NMDA receptor-dependent plasticity laid the groundwork for our current understanding of how the brain becomes correctly wired in response to activity and experience.

She has also mentored many students and postdocs, among them several prominent women scientists, and she is very active in promoting the career development of her junior colleagues.

“Martha’s research contributions have been extremely influential within her field, and her influence has also been felt through her exemplary record of mentoring and service,” says McGovern Institute director Robert Desimone. “Martha’s career indeed represents a lifetime of achievement and I cannot imagine a more deserving recipient for this honor.”