Brain Scan Cover Image: Summer 2013
White matter fiber tracts in the adult human brain. Image: Zeynep Saygin
White matter fiber tracts in the adult human brain. Image: Zeynep Saygin
A bundle of spiny apical dendrites, reconstructed from a series of ultra-thin slices of mouse cortex. Image: Daniel Berger and Sebastian Seung (MIT); based on data from Jeff Lichtman and colleagues (Harvard).
On Tuesday, September 17th, the McGovern Institute hosted “Brains on Trial with Alan Alda,” a panel discussion about the role of neuroscience in the criminal justice system.
What if we could peer into the brain to determine guilt or innocence? Could advances in neuroscience help reform our criminal justice system?
Popular Science magazine has named two MIT junior faculty members — Pedro Reis and Feng Zhang — to its 2013 Brilliant 10 list of young stars in science and technology. The list will appear in the magazine’s October issue. “Popular Science prides itself on revealing the innovations and ideas that are laying today’s groundwork for […]
The Boyden lab is exploring the use of fluorescent nanodiamonds as a new class of optical probes for neuroscience research. Photo: Justin Knight
John Gabrieli’s lab has found that differences in a key language structure can be seen even before children start learning to read. The study was picked up by various news outlets including the BBC, CBS, WBUR, US News and World Report, the UK Daily Mail, Fox News, and more.
Zeynep Saygin, a postdoc in Nancy Kanwisher’s lab uses a technology known as diffusion-weighted MR imaging to reveal long-range connections in the brain.
Differences in a key language structure can be seen even before children start learning to read.
Differences in a key language structure can be seen even before children start learning to read.